There is No Overnight Cure!

Please remember that warts have taken months to form and moles could have formed at birth. They will not disappear overnight, no matter what method of removal you choose. But persistence will prevail and your skin will become clear. Also remember that not all treatments work for all people and even if the blemish disappears, it doesn't mean that the treatment made it work, but it probably helped cause the mole or wart to leave faster.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Dermatologist Mole Removal

 The two main reasons for have a mole removed are either for health concerns or for cosmetic reasons. Most moles are quite harmless, however, if any changes occur to the mole such as a change of color or an increase in size, get it checked out. Your dermatologist may opt to remove the offending mole with an excision or cutting and then stitching the area up.

 When a mole is of a darker color or when it is flat or both dark and flat, the surgeon may choose to cut it out because of the possibility of cancerous cells either in the mole or in the surrounding area.  He will map out the mole before he sterilizes it and uses a numbing agent to "freeze" the area. While using a scalpel, the surgeon then cuts the mole and the area that borders the mole, removing what he considers necessary.

 If he considers the possibility of the presence pre-cancerous or cancerous cells then he will adjust the measurements of the cuts to the necessary size. He will then stitch the area after the mole has been removed
 The type of stitches the doctor uses will depend on the depth of the cut.

 For a deeper cut, your physician will use a type of stitch that your body can easily absorb. They will not have to be removed at a later date.

 For a shallower cut, the surgeon will use a surface stitch on the outer layers of skin. These will not be absorbing stitches. It will be necessary to return to the medical facilities to have the physically removed.

 Whether absorbing stitches or regular stitches are used, it will be necessary to apply a layer of antibiotic cream as well as a clean bandage to the wound. To do this, clean the wound thoroughly before layering the salve on.

 This should be done at least once a day. Ideally, if you could clean and use the antibiotic cream twice a day, it would be best. You see, it is easy to clean the wound. Just use an amount of clean water to rinse the wound. A diluted solution of water and hydrogen peroxide will have an added protection against infection setting in. Keep the wound clean by these daily treatments until it has healed completely.
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